All changes since launch are documented here.
1.4.2 (05/06/2022)
- Fixed Twitch recording issues.
1.4.1 (19/11/2021)
- Fixed recording issues caused by a streamlink update.
1.4.0 (20/10/2021)
- No longer comes with python/streamlink embedded. It will now install them on your computer.
- Will install and automatically update streamlink when you run the program.
1.3.0 (19/10/2021)
- Updated Streamlink version to 2.4.0.
- Launched Mac and Linux versions.
1.2.2 (07/09/2021)
- This update should fix crash issues, if your version is still crashing contact me.
1.2.1 (05/09/2021)
- This update should fix crash issues, if your version is still crashing contact me.
1.2 (04/09/2021)
- This update should fix some issues, mainly with streams.
- Increased the stream timeout maximum and default values to 24 hours, you can decrease this if you weren't having issues with multiple small videos being recorded.
1.1 (15/07/2021)
- Fixed issues with
- Updated streamlink to latest version
1.0 (14/10/2020)
- Released