How to record vimeo streams and download vimeo videos

RecStreams is the best vimeo downloader. It can record vimeo streams automatically by just adding the desired models to the program. It can also be used to easily download vimeo videos at any given time.

You can record vimeo videos only if they are public on vimeo, RecStreams doesn't support logging in currently.

It supports all desktop platforms, with RecStreams you can record vimeo streams on Windows, Mac and Linux.

You can download RecStreams, here.

What is vimeo

Vimeo is a cutting-edge global live-streaming and video hosting social platform that provides users with a one-of-a-kind space to showcase their creativity, connect with audiences worldwide, and share their passions with the world. With its sleek interface and user-friendly features, Vimeo offers a seamless and intuitive experience for both content creators and viewers alike. Whether you're a filmmaker looking to premiere your latest project, an artist eager to showcase your work, or a music enthusiast wanting to share your favorite tunes, Vimeo empowers you to broadcast your content to a global audience in real-time. Its live-streaming capabilities allow users to engage with their followers in a personal and interactive way, while its robust video hosting services ensure that your content is professionally presented and easily accessible to viewers around the globe. Vimeo also boasts a vibrant community of fellow creators who are passionate about sharing their talents and supporting one another in their creative endeavors. From indie filmmakers to budding musicians to seasoned photographers, Vimeo provides a platform where artists of all kinds can come together to collaborate, inspire, and celebrate the power of visual storytelling. With its commitment to quality, innovation, and inclusivity, Vimeo is not just a video hosting platform – it's a global community that empowers creators to unleash their creativity, connect with like-minded individuals, and make their mark on the world. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of online media, Vimeo is the place to be for anyone who wants to share their voice, their vision, and their passion with the world. Join us today and discover the endless possibilities that await you on Vimeo.

How to record vimeo streams - Video Guide

How to record vimeo videos using RecStreams - Step by step

How to Record Vimeo Live Streams: A Comprehensive Guide

Vimeo is a global live-streaming and video hosting social platform that allows users to broadcast their events live. If you’re looking to record Vimeo live streams for later use, you’re in the right place. In this detailed guide, we will take you through the various methods and tools available to help you record Vimeo live streams easily and effectively.

Why Record Vimeo Live Streams?

Recording Vimeo live streams can be useful for several reasons:

Methods to Record Vimeo Live Streams

There are multiple methods to record Vimeo live streams. Below we’ve detailed the most popular and effective ways:

1. Using Vimeo's Built-In Recorder

Vimeo offers a built-in recording feature for its live streams, but it is only available for higher-tier plans such as Vimeo Premium. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Login to your Vimeo account and start your live stream.
  2. Make sure that the recording option is enabled. This can typically be found in the settings menu of your live stream.
  3. Once your live stream is complete, Vimeo will automatically save the recorded video to your account.
  4. You can access the recorded video from your Vimeo library, where you can download or share it as needed.

2. Using Screen Recording Software

If you don’t have access to Vimeo’s built-in recording feature or prefer an alternative method, you can use screen recording software. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

a. Choose a Screen Recording Software

There are several options available for screen recording software. Some popular choices include:

b. Setting Up OBS Studio

OBS Studio is a highly recommended free tool for recording live streams. Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Download and install OBS Studio from the official website.
  2. Open OBS Studio and click on the “+” button under the “Sources” section.
  3. Select “Display Capture” and create a new display capture source. This will capture everything on your screen.
  4. Adjust the display capture settings if necessary and click “OK”.
  5. Click “Start Recording” to begin capturing your screen.
  6. Open your browser and navigate to your Vimeo live stream.
  7. Once the live stream is complete, return to OBS Studio and click “Stop Recording”.

3. Using Online Screen Recording Services

There are also several online services that provide screen recording capabilities without the need for any software installation. Some of these include:

These services typically offer user-friendly interfaces and can be a good option if you prefer not to download any software.

Tips for High-Quality Recordings

To ensure that your recordings are of high quality, follow these tips:


Recording Vimeo live streams can be an invaluable tool for preserving important content, creating shareable material, and enhancing future streams. Whether you choose Vimeo’s built-in recorder, screen recording software, or online services, following the steps outlined in this guide will help you achieve high-quality recordings with ease.